2010 Upper Peninsula Reports
Michigan Upper Peninsula reports with data for age, alcohol and/or drugs, and deer crashes. This section also contains information for crash, unit, and person levels in a crash.
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Note: Newer reports are available for 2023.
Crash Year:
Table of Contents
Introduction to MTCF.
Quick crash statistics detailing the frequency of crash statistics in the current year.
Crash data in 1-year, 5-year, 10-year, and multi-year trend reports.
- Vehicle Registrations / Vehicle Miles Traveled / Total Crashes
- Motor Vehicle Deaths / Injuries in Motor Vehicle Crashes / Total Fatal Crashes
- HBD Fatalities / HBD Injuries / HBD Fatal Crashes
- Restraint Usage / Licensed Drivers / Mileage Death Rate
- Total Crash Rate / Personal Injury Crash Rate / Property Damage Crash Rate
- Male vs. Female Drivers in All Crashes / Male vs. Female Drivers in Fatal Crashes / Male vs. Female Drinking Drivers in All Crashes
- All Drivers in All and Fatal Crashes / Teen/Young Adult Drivers in All and Fatal Crashes / Elderly Drivers in All and Fatal Crashes
- All Drinking Drivers in All and Fatal Crashes / Teen/Young Adult Drinking Drivers in All and Fatal Crashes / Elderly Drinking Drivers in All and Fatal Crashes
- Motor Vehicles in All and Fatal Crashes / Motorcycles in All and Fatal Crashes / Pedestrians in All and Fatal Crashes
- Bicycles in All and Fatal Crashes / Snowmobiles on Roadway in All and Fatal Crashes / ORV/ATV's on Roadway in All and Fatal Crashes
- Vehicle-Train Crashes / Vehicle-Deer Crashes / Farm Equipment Crashes
- Death & Injury for Crash-Involved Occupant
- Average Age of Drivers in Crashes
- Age of Persons Killed, Total
- Age of Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes / Age of Drivers Involved in Single Vehicle Fatal Crashes
- Age of Bicyclists Killed / Age of Pedestrians Killed
- Select Holiday Data
- Motor Vehicle Deaths and Mileage by Month
- Summary Trends
- More Upper Peninsula Crash Facts / 2010 Cost of Crashes in the Upper Peninsula
- Map of Where Traffic Fatalities Occurred
Person age data for crashes including data for ages 16-20, 21-64, and 65 & older.
- Age 0-32
- Age 33-65
- Age 66-98
- Age 99 & Over
- Action Prior to Crash - Driver Action
- Most Harmful Event
- Crash Type / Relationship to Roadway / Roadway Type
- Time and Severity / Hazardous Action
- Day of Week / Driver Gender / Number of Occupants in Motor Vehicle
- Vehicle Type
- Action Prior to Crash - Driver Action
- Most Harmful Event
- Crash Type / Relationship to Roadway / Roadway Type
- Time and Severity / Hazardous Action
- Day of Week / Driver Gender / Number of Occupants in Motor Vehicle
- Vehicle Type
- Action Prior to Crash - Driver Action
- Most Harmful Event
- Crash Type / Relationship to Roadway / Roadway Type
- Time and Severity / Hazardous Action
- Day of Week / Driver Gender / Number of Occupants in Motor Vehicle
- Vehicle Type
Alcohol and drug data for people in crashes.
- Injury Experience for Persons Who Had Been Drinking and/or Using Drugs
- Drivers Drinking and/or Using Drugs & Injury Severity in Crash
- All Crashes and HBD Crashes by Injury Severity
- Death & Injury per Crash Involved Occupant
- All Drivers and HBD Drivers Injury Severity - Ejected vs. Not Ejected
- All Occupants and Occs of HBD Crashes Injury Severity - Ejected vs. Not Ejected
- Injury Severity & Restraint Use for Crash Involved KABC Drivers
- Injury Severity & Restraint Use for Crash Involved KABC Occupants
- Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes
- Alcohol Involvement in Injury Crashes
- Male Drivers & Injury Severity in Crash
- Male Drinking Drivers & Injury Severity in Crash
- Female Drivers & Injury Severity in Crash
- Female Drinking Drivers & Injury Severity in Crash
- Map of Traffic Fatalities with Drinking Involvement by County
Circumstances common to all traffic units in a crash.
Units in crashes, including red-light-running and heavy truck/bus crash data.
- Vehicle Type Crash Involvement
- Vehicle Types in Crashes by Crash Severity
- Action Prior to Crash - Driver Action
- Action Prior to Crash - Motorcyclist Action
- Action Prior to Crash - Bicyclist Action
- Action Prior to Crash - Pedestrian Action
- Most Harmful Event
- Vehicle Defects in Crash Involvement / Driver Hazardous Action
- Upper Peninsula Bicycle Crashes
- Upper Peninsula Pedestrian Crashes
- Upper Peninsula Snowmobile Crashes
- Upper Peninsula ORV/ATV Crashes
- Snowmobile Driver Hazardous Action / ORV/ATV Driver Hazardous Action
- Upper Peninsula Farm Equipment Crashes / Upper Peninsula Vehicle-Train Crashes / Upper Peninsula Motorcycle Crashes
- Driver Gender Information - All Crashes
- Person Age: Demographics and Crash Involvements
- Crash Rate per Licensed Driver by Age of Driver in All Crashes
- Driver Age
- Driver Condition / Driver Injury Severity by Restraint, Alcohol, and Drug Use
- Red-Light-Running Definition
- Speed Limit / Crash Type
- Special Circumstances / Possible Conditions
- Heavy Truck/Bus Definition
- Action Prior to Crash - Driver Action
- Most Harmful Event
- Crash Type / Hazardous Action
- Relationship to Roadway / Time and Severity / Roadway Type
- Day of Week / Driver Gender / Number of Occupants in
- Vehicle Type
- Hazardous Citation Issued
Characteristics for people in a crash.
- Age & Gender of Occupants Killed & Injured in Motor Vehicle Crashes
- Reported Occupant Restraint Usage for All Drivers and Injured Passengers
- Motor Vehicle Occs & Injury Severity by Seating Position and Known Belt Usage
- Reported Restraint Use - Children
- Motor Vehicle Occupant Injury Severity by Known Airbag Deployment
- Age & Gender of Motorcyclists Killed & Injured in Motor Vehicle Crashes
- Motorcycle Helmet Use and Injury Severity
- Occupant Injury Outcome by Vehicle Type